David Deming
Topic: Decision Making on the Job
Bio: Isabelle and Scott Black Professor of Political Economy at Harvard
Reading: The Growing Importance of Decision-Making on the Job is here
6 minutes:
David Deming transcript:
Claudia Goldin
Topic: Gender Equity
Bio: Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard
Reading: Career and Family: Women’s Century;Long Journey toward Equity is here.
6 minutes:
Claudia Golden transcript:
Elisabeth Cascio
Topic: Policy Design to Improve Child Care
Bio: Dewalt H, 1921 and Marie H. Ankeny Professorship in Economic Policy at Dartmouth
Reading: Does Universal Preschool Hit the Target? Program Access and Preschool Impacts is here
6 minutes:
Elisabeth Cascio transcript:
Decision Making on the Job, Career and Family, Childcare