Allyson Hobbs
Topic: The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Power of Protests
Historian and Director of African and African American Studies at Stanford and author of A Chosen Exile: A History of Racial Passing in American Life.
Richard Thompson Ford
Topic: COVID doesn’t discriminate but we do
Law professor Richard Thompson Ford is an expert on civil rights and anti-discrimination law.
Claude Steele
Topic: Creating Trust across Racial Lines in an Age of Polarization
Claude Steele is a social psychologist has studied how stereotypes affect us and what we can do about it and author of Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotype Affect Us and What We Can Do.
Claude Steele QA
Condoleezza Rice
Topic: From Birmingham to the White House: Race and America on the World Stage
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is the upcoming Director of the Hoover Institution.
Condoleezza Rice and Claude Steele QA
Nate Persily
Topic: The Virus and the Vote: How COVID Exacerbates Racial Inequalities in the 2020 Election
A professor of law and communications and a co-author of The Law of Democracy.
It’s Not Too Late to Save the 2020 Election, Wall Street Journal, June 12, 2020.
The Looming Threat to Voting in Person, The Atlantic, June 27, 2020.
Nate Persily QA
Michelle Wilde Anderson
Topic: COVID and the problem of segregated, concentrated poverty
Law professor Michelle Wilde Anderson is a scholar of state and local government law.
Michelle Wilde Anderson QA
Claude Steele, John Donohue, Michelle Anderson, Condoleeza Rice, and Brian Lowery QA
Brian Lowery
Topic: The Psychology of Race and Privilege
Social psychologist at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. His research examines the operation of racial attitudes below the threshold of consciousness and how people perceive and make sense of inequality.
Brian Lowery QA
John Donohue
Topic: Amid COVID and Protests, do more Guns make us Safer?
Law professor and economist John Donohue is well known for using empirical analysis to determine the impact of gun violence.
“That Assault Weapon Ban? It Really Did Work,” The New York Times, September 5, 2019, (with Theodora Boulouta).
“The Assault Weapon Ban Saved Lives,” Stanford Law School Legal Aggregate Blog, October 15, 2019 (with Theodora Boulouta).
“Right-to-Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State-Level Synthetic Control Analysis,” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, April 2019 (with Abhay Aneja and Kyle Weber).
John Donohue QA
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