Nolan McCarty
Topic: “Federal polarization”: the ideological and partisan disagreements across states and between states and the federal government. Federal polarization has grown dramatically over the past 20 years and has clearly been the major impediment to a coordinated public health response. I will also talk about the election as the two are related.
Bio: Professor of Political Science at Princeton
Nolan McCarty QA
Dr. Mark Green
Topic: The Pandemic and Future Legislation
Bio: Republican Congressman from TN, former flight surgeon for Army special operations aviation unit, on mission that captured Saddam Hussein and interrogated him for six hours, founded $200mm revenue emergency department staffing company.
John Barry
Topic: Comparing Covid19 and the 1918 Flu
Bio: Author of The Great Influenza – The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History
Reading Assignment: Afterword of The Great Influenza
Dr. David Reich
Topic: Treatment and Testing of Covid19
Bio: Professor of Anesthesiology, Current President and COO of Mt. Sinai Hospital
Watch This
Dr. David Reich QA
Dr. Kari Christine Nadeau
Topic: Santa Clara Randomized Study of Covid19
Bio: Director, Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research at Stanford University
Reading Assignments:
Dr. Kari Christine Nadeau QA
Dr. Tony Coles
Topic: How will the biotech industry, pharmaceutical firms, and medical supply companies respond with new products in the pandemic?
Bio: CEO of Cereval Therapeutics specializing on new therapies for the central nervous system like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and ALS.
Dr. Stanley Goldfarb
Topic: Medical School Education and the Pandemic
Bio: Professor of Medicine at UPenn’s Medical School
Reading Assignment:
Dr. Stanley Goldfarb QA
Dr. Jacob Appel
Topic: Medical Ethics and the Pandemic
Bio: Director of Ethics Education in Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, author, bioethicist, lawyer and social critic.
Assignment: Watch 45 minute documentary Jacob about Jacob Appel’s life. It is fantastic.
Dr. Jacob Appel and Dr. Mark Green QA
Dr. Michael Osterholm
Topic: Battle Plan for the Pandemic
Bio: Professor of Public Health at University of Minnesota a Director of the Center for Infectious Disease and Research and Policy
Reading Assignment: Deadliest Enemy: Our War against Killer Germs, chapters 18 and 19
Dr. Michael Osterholm QA
Wayne Kent
Topic: How Mid-Sized Companies in Construction are Faring in the Pandemic
Bio: President of Empire Lumber and Millwork
Wayne Kent QA
Casey Mulligan
Topic: Unemployment Insurance and Getting Back to Work
Bio: Professor of Labor Economics at UChicago.
Reading Assignment:
Casey Mulligan QA
Andrew Cherlin
Topic: The surge of social solidarity that we are seeing and its consequences for the near future. The consequences will include support for universal assistance such as universal child care, wage subsidies, etc. The length of the crisis means that our social relations and politics may be changed for a year or more.
Bio: Professor of Sociology at Johns Hopkins and author of The Marriage-Go-Around: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today.
Andrew Cherlin QA
Rabbi Paul Yedwab
Topic: The Pandemic and Religious Faith
Bio: Rabbi at Temple Israel of West Bloomfield Michigan and author of six books including Sex in the Texts.
Peter Irons
Topic: Conflict between Civil Liberties and Public Health
Bio: Professor Emeritus UCSD Law School and author of A People’s History of the Supreme Court
Peter Irons QA
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