Lisa Damour
Topic: Mental Health and Social Isolation
Bio: Phd in Clinical Psychology, she writes the monthly adolescence column for the NYTimes, and is the author of Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood, and Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls.
Assignment: Read chapter 1 of Under Pressure
Lisa Damour QA
Jacob Appel
Topic: The ethics of experiments related to Covid19 and what should be the patient’s decision making process be in the hospital for treatments to the pandemic
Bio: Director of Ethics Education in Psychiatry at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, author, bioethicist, lawyer and social critic.
Assignment: Watch 45 minute documentary Jacob about Jacob Appel’s life. It is fantastic.
Jacob Appel QA
Richard De Veaux
Topic: Uncertainty, Parameter Estimation for Models, and Type 1 and Type 2 Errors for Testing
Bio: My statistics professor at Wharton in 1985, he is now a Professor of Math and Statistics at Williams College.
Richard De Veaux QA
Kenneth Rogoff
Topic: The Economic collapse, negative interest rates and the end of cash
Bio: Professor of Economics at Harvard
Assignment: Read Rogoff’s book the Curse of Cash The Preface, Chapters 1 and 10
Kenneth Rogoff QA
Willem Buiter
Topic: MMT and the global economic challenge of Covid19
Bio: Independent economic consultant and visiting professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations. He was Global Chief Economist at Citigroup from 2010-2018.
Reading Assignment: The Problem with MMT
Willem Buiter QA
Chad Syverson
Topic: Which firms will survive the pandemic within an industry?
Bio: Professor of Economics University of Chicago Booth School
Assignment: Macroeconomics and Market Power: Context, Implications, and Open Questions.
Chad Syverson QA
Joel Kotkin
Topic: What are the implications for the Middle Class after the Pandemic?
Bio: Described by the New York Times as “America’s uber-geographer,” Joel Kotkin is an internationally-recognized authority on global, economic, political and social trends.
Assignment: The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class. Read the final chapter called “Can We Challenge Neo-Feudalism?” The book was released May 12, 2020.
Joel Kotkin QA
Angela Stent
Topic: How is Russia and Putin Managing the Pandemic?
Bio: Professor of Government and Foreign Service at Georgetown University
Angela Stent QA
Dan Diehl
Topic: What can we do to improve the quality of the air in offices and other sites so that we can reduce the risk of the spread of Covid19 that is impacting K-12 schools, Universities, Hospitals, Offices, Museums, Arenas and all commercial indoor environments.
Bio: CEO of Aircuity
Dan Diehl QA
Steve Adler
Topic: What are the challenges for a major city during Covid19?
Bio: Mayor of Austin Texas
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